Category Archives: typespotting

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This man’s tramp stamp is such a glorious exemplar of Friz Quadrata.

Senator Friz

Look who’s in the Senate Budget Committee email header! It’s our favorite font representative:

senate budget committee email


sanja ivekovic moma friz quadrata

The Sanja Ivekovic “Sweet Violence” exhibit at MOMA is just swimming in Friz Quadrata.

Sent in by Jesse Reed at Pentagram. Thanks, dude! Also, thanks to Under Consideration for the shoutout and blowing up my stats!

Rubbing Friz

rubbing craft awful library book

Spotted on Awful Library Books.

Super Friz

Super Bowls X, XI and XII used versions of Friz Quadrata

This story in the New York Times about Super Bowl logos caught my eye. The font in the logos for X, XI and XII looks familiar, no?

Crafty Friz

Friz for sale

Friz Managment

Seen in downtown Cincinnati.

Friz, DMD

Push Down & Friz

But possibly a faux Friz?